All Classes and Interfaces

Interface to be implemented to listen to LightstreamerClient events comprehending notifications of connection activity and errors.
Interface to be implemented to listen to LightstreamerClient.sendMessage(java.lang.String) events reporting a message processing outcome.
Used by LightstreamerClient to provide a basic connection properties data object.
Used by LightstreamerClient to provide an extra connection properties data object.
Simple concrete logging provider that logs on the system console.
Logging level.
Contains all the information related to an update of the field values for an item.
Facade class for the management of the communication to Lightstreamer Server.
Interface to be implemented to consume log from the library.
Simple interface to be implemented to provide custom log consumers to the library.
Utility class that provides methods to build or parse the JSON structure used to represent the format of a push notification.
It provides getters and setters for the fields of a push notification, following the format specified by FCM REST API.
Class representing a device that supports Mobile Push Notifications (MPN).
It contains device details and the listener needed to monitor its status.
An MPN device is created from the application context, the sender ID (a.k.a.
Interface to be implemented to receive MPN device events including registration, suspension/resume and status change.
Events for these listeners are dispatched by a different thread than the one that generates them.
Class representing a Mobile Push Notifications (MPN) subscription to be submitted to the MPN Module of a Lightstreamer Server.
It contains subscription details and the listener needed to monitor its status.
Interface to be implemented to receive MpnSubscription events including subscription/unsubscription, triggering and status change.
Events for these listeners are dispatched by a different thread than the one that generates them.
Simple class representing a Proxy configuration.
Class representing a Subscription to be submitted to a Lightstreamer Server.
Interface to be implemented to listen to Subscription events comprehending notifications of subscription/unsubscription, updates, errors and others.